What if you were invited today to represent your nation at the Tokyo Games?
Who we are
The PRAY4TK2020 is a movement that aims to encourage God's people, the Church of Jesus around the world, to associate the healthy practice of physical activity with prayer and encouragement during the Games in Tokyo.
How you can get involved
a physical activity (walking, running, cycling, swimming, crossfit, volleyball, soccer, etc.) to be done daily during the Tokyo 2020 Games.
Take time
to pray for the Games before, during or after the activity.
The Games are going to happen, that is an unchangeable fact. And how can the Church of Jesus work in this moment and in this unprecedented context? For the first time in history, the church will not be able to perform face-to-face in the sports competition areas of the Games, nor will the missionary teams be able to come to Japan to serve with the local church. However, the spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental pressure is huge on each of our brothers, who are somehow playing in the Games. The Bible states that a righteous man's prayer is powerful and effective. And best of all, it can be carried out anywhere in the world and get to Japan without needing a visa, resource, or any other obstacle.qualquer lugar do mundo e chegar até ao Japão sem precisar de visto, recurso ou qualquer outro impedimento.